Choosing Love in Every Moment of Your Life
Michael J. Roads is known as a modern mystic. Over many years he gained a wealth of metaphysical experiences that offer him the most extraordinary insights into life. As a spiritual teacher, he has devised many inner exercises that allow people to experience the interconnectedness of All life, bridging the illusion of separation between our inner and outer worlds. His work offers people the ability to maintain a state of inner peace and freedom, regardless of the situations and circumstances of their lives. Yes . . . this is possible!
All is possible within the power of unconditional Love. Michael developed the consciousness and ability to empower people, thus assisting them in remembering and reconnecting with their own Divine potential. When certain universal principles of Truth become an aspect of your life, the extraordinary becomes really quite ordinary. Aeons ago, we settled for life in the illusion. Michael teaches you the way out. He has spent five decades exploring the higher realms of consciousness. During these times of great change on our planet, it is time for us all to let go of our outdated and personal world reality, and give way to the higher potential of a far Greater Reality.
Michael’s Latest Book “Pan . . . and Me”
The book was released on the summer/winter solstice, 21 June 2023.