Michael J. Roads

We are very good at rallying around the family in any crisis, or at times of celebrating the many holidays and regular annual birthdays. Our biological family means a lot to us, warding off feelings of isolation and separation. In the way of a fire in the grate, family ties need to be constantly fuelled and maintained. It is family that teaches us the give and take of life . . . or at least, it should!

As, from birth, we learn the meanings of a mother and father and the development of family ties with our siblings and relatives, we are inclined to ignore or overlook the greater family. Indeed, many people live their whole lives without realising that they are a member of the One greater family of humanity. We all too easily draw a boundary around our biological family, and we all too quickly get into feuds and fights over issues, and with people outside of our defined borders. This, in turn, leads many less benevolent people into gangs, with warfare on the city streets.

We forget that all humanity is One energy. We are a single great family lost in the illusions of separation and isolation, of different races and creeds and countries and cultures. Many people quarrel with their immediate neighbours, disliking the neighbourhood in general. From this, it is only a small step into supporting war with people in other countries. Why do we do this? It is not only because of our lack of tolerance to each other, it has far deeper roots based in our lack of patience and tolerance with ourselves. As a species, humanity does not truly approve of, or like, itself.

You and I both know that when the average person looks in the mirror they subconsciously criticise themselves, not good enough! This, in turn, leads to criticism of other people and an exaggerated reaction to their criticism towards us. This, along with a huge array of other idiosyncrasies and inadequacies leads people into their own personal warfare with self. It is quoted that 20% of all relationships are abusive, with 80% of people self-abusive. This suggests that it is rare person who is not self-critical or self-judgemental.

What is not realised is that as you relate to yourself so you relate to all humanity. The daily act is just that, an act. While we see the greater family as separate from our immediate family, we have a lot of inner-growing to do. All humanity is one huge spiritual family. When you bring this spiritual aspect into your life, you are on the path to unity. Just as religions divide people, so our spirituality connects us. This is our only way forward . . . one connected humanity consciously . . . choosing Love!