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So I’m letting go of letting go. I’m done with letting go. Instead I’m letting it be, without attaching a story to it. My energetic reset has been on hyper-drive these past many months . . . a cauldron of transformation changing my life . . . and it’s all just energy, energy in the game of life . . . a role I’m playing. Temporary and impermanent. And at the end of the game, all the kings, queens, knights and pawns go back into the same box. 
In dealing with all this I have developed a deeper appreciation for those who choose to live a very simple life, returning to Nature and reconnecting with the Natural World. I feel this is the direction in which humanity is slowly moving . . . moving away from the attachment to the material world that we so often depend on to bring us some form of happiness or fulfilment . . . and realising there is a better way, a natural, organic way to live, through Love and unity, though the heart of our land and caring for our earth and each other. All the things that really matter . . . Love, joy, peace, creativity, beauty . . . are in that space deep within our hearts, beyond mind, beyond the circumstances of our lives . . . and beyond bureaucratic ‘red tape’!
We are the miracle of Love . . . we are the Light . . . restoring goodness and reclaiming our world. Our true values are all the same, regardless of our beliefs and cultures. So many labels being put on us now are trying to divide and control us, but we are part of a much greater whole. We’re taking the blinders off and liberating the consciousness of mankind. A new Light is shining within us, and together we rise. Nothing can stop what is coming! 
Thanks, again, for being with me. I'm holding you close and hugging you with all my Love, Carolyn 💛

So I’m letting go of letting go. I’m done with letting go. Instead I’m letting it be, without attaching a story to it. My energetic reset has been on hyper-drive these past many months . . . a cauldron of transformation changing my life . . . and it’s all just energy, energy in the game of life . . . a role I’m playing. Temporary and impermanent. And at the end of the game, all the kings, queens, knights and pawns go back into the same box.
In dealing with all this I have developed a deeper appreciation for those who choose to live a very simple life, returning to Nature and reconnecting with the Natural World. I feel this is the direction in which humanity is slowly moving . . . moving away from the attachment to the material world that we so often depend on to bring us some form of happiness or fulfilment . . . and realising there is a better way, a natural, organic way to live, through Love and unity, though the heart of our land and caring for our earth and each other. All the things that really matter . . . Love, joy, peace, creativity, beauty . . . are in that space deep within our hearts, beyond mind, beyond the circumstances of our lives . . . and beyond bureaucratic ‘red tape’!
We are the miracle of Love . . . we are the Light . . . restoring goodness and reclaiming our world. Our true values are all the same, regardless of our beliefs and cultures. So many labels being put on us now are trying to divide and control us, but we are part of a much greater whole. We’re taking the blinders off and liberating the consciousness of mankind. A new Light is shining within us, and together we rise. Nothing can stop what is coming!
Thanks, again, for being with me. I`m holding you close and hugging you with all my Love, Carolyn 💛

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Carolyn here. I’ve had more opportunity to grow lately as I’ve launched into all the legal and business aspects that need to be addressed as a result Michael’s passing. This is massive, WAY more then I would have thought, had I ever thought about it to begin with, which I did not. It’s requiring multiple appointments and communications with my bank, accountant, Centrelink, Superannuation and ASIC as I update and restructure all that needs to be done. Which is pretty much everything. Who knew? And the paperwork, OMG. The paperwork required for pension (which I may not even get) and bereavement (also which I may not get), plus restructuring the company and bank account changes is off the charts. My very right brain doesn’t even grasp some of this. When requirements and procedures are explained to me, it sometimes seems like these people, all very nice and patient, are speaking another language. I just don’t get it, dealing much better with matters of the heart! So all this is a great opportunity to consciously not give my peace away to all the ‘red tape’. . . which, admittedly, I’ve been borderline a couple times already, and it’s far from over. 
I think the common theme that seems most apparent is the level of security, of checks and cross checks, which would suggest the sizeable amount of fraud some people attempt. It’s sad, really, that level of consciousness. What we give out we must experience . . . what we sow we reap. That is a universal law. My heart goes out to them, in their desperate acts of ignorance. They have a lot of growing to do. We’re moving into a time where we will only be able to speak truth, because anything less will not be able to exist. 
And in midst of all this, my credit cards were cancelled because Michael was the primary card holder, so the automatic payments didn’t process, including my phone, and keeping that active turned into a real military operation. Plus I was unable to bring up or download anything on my computer, which proved to be because the modem needed replacing. At least that required no certified paperwork. 
So why am I creating all this, you’re probably wondering, not that the legal processes would be any less going

Carolyn here. I’ve had more opportunity to grow lately as I’ve launched into all the legal and business aspects that need to be addressed as a result Michael’s passing. This is massive, WAY more then I would have thought, had I ever thought about it to begin with, which I did not. It’s requiring multiple appointments and communications with my bank, accountant, Centrelink, Superannuation and ASIC as I update and restructure all that needs to be done. Which is pretty much everything. Who knew? And the paperwork, OMG. The paperwork required for pension (which I may not even get) and bereavement (also which I may not get), plus restructuring the company and bank account changes is off the charts. My very right brain doesn’t even grasp some of this. When requirements and procedures are explained to me, it sometimes seems like these people, all very nice and patient, are speaking another language. I just don’t get it, dealing much better with matters of the heart! So all this is a great opportunity to consciously not give my peace away to all the ‘red tape’. . . which, admittedly, I’ve been borderline a couple times already, and it’s far from over.
I think the common theme that seems most apparent is the level of security, of checks and cross checks, which would suggest the sizeable amount of fraud some people attempt. It’s sad, really, that level of consciousness. What we give out we must experience . . . what we sow we reap. That is a universal law. My heart goes out to them, in their desperate acts of ignorance. They have a lot of growing to do. We’re moving into a time where we will only be able to speak truth, because anything less will not be able to exist.
And in midst of all this, my credit cards were cancelled because Michael was the primary card holder, so the automatic payments didn’t process, including my phone, and keeping that active turned into a real military operation. Plus I was unable to bring up or download anything on my computer, which proved to be because the modem needed replacing. At least that required no certified paperwork.
So why am I creating all this, you’re probably wondering, not that the legal processes would be any less going

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going though it. But yes, this thought has occurred to me, as well. I feel that as we evolve, life will ‘test’ us in ways, saying, ‘Okay,you’re doing well, now let’s see how you cope with this situation, which would normally push all your buttons! Fun!!’ 
So however long it takes, and whatever hoops I’m required to jump though . . . and whatever the outcome.I’m doing my best to stay away from the ‘head stuff’ of frustration and criticism of the system, while at the same time letting go any need to try to figure out why I’m creating this. Letting go of that was VERY easy!
Watching how I move though this is quite revealing,a study of ‘self.’ Fighting ‘what is’ is insanity,these things need to be done and I can either do it with as much wisdom and balance as I can muster or with knee-jerk reactions and emotional drama. It’s offering me an opportunity to break free of moulds that would have once had me swinging from the rafters in frustration. Everything happens for a reason, or else it wouldn’t be happening, and this is all helping me to evolve, I’m sure. I’m a spiritual Being. How can anything I experience be less spiritual than any other? If everything is Love/God/Source and everything is happening within Love/God/Source, then how could anything be going wrong? Well, this is what I keep telling myself! 
Another aspect of this is the part of me that doesn’t want to remove Michael from our bank accounts or as a company director. I don’t want to erase his name from anything. I’m hanging on to the last vestiges of him. I mean, come on.it’s only a name.yet it’s one more unexpected facet of letting go of what was.So I’m letting go of letting go. I’m done with letting go. Instead I’m letting it be, without attaching a story to it. My energetic reset has been on hyper-drive these past many months . . . a cauldron of transformation changing my life . . . and it’s all just energy, energy in the game of life . . . a role I’m playing. Temporary and impermanent. And at the end of the game, all the kings, queens, knights and pawns go back into the same box.

going though it. But yes, this thought has occurred to me, as well. I feel that as we evolve, life will ‘test’ us in ways, saying, ‘Okay,you’re doing well, now let’s see how you cope with this situation, which would normally push all your buttons! Fun!!’
So however long it takes, and whatever hoops I’m required to jump though . . . and whatever the outcome.I’m doing my best to stay away from the ‘head stuff’ of frustration and criticism of the system, while at the same time letting go any need to try to figure out why I’m creating this. Letting go of that was VERY easy!
Watching how I move though this is quite revealing,a study of ‘self.’ Fighting ‘what is’ is insanity,these things need to be done and I can either do it with as much wisdom and balance as I can muster or with knee-jerk reactions and emotional drama. It’s offering me an opportunity to break free of moulds that would have once had me swinging from the rafters in frustration. Everything happens for a reason, or else it wouldn’t be happening, and this is all helping me to evolve, I’m sure. I’m a spiritual Being. How can anything I experience be less spiritual than any other? If everything is Love/God/Source and everything is happening within Love/God/Source, then how could anything be going wrong? Well, this is what I keep telling myself!
Another aspect of this is the part of me that doesn’t want to remove Michael from our bank accounts or as a company director. I don’t want to erase his name from anything. I’m hanging on to the last vestiges of him. I mean, come on.it’s only a name.yet it’s one more unexpected facet of letting go of what was.So I’m letting go of letting go. I’m done with letting go. Instead I’m letting it be, without attaching a story to it. My energetic reset has been on hyper-drive these past many months . . . a cauldron of transformation changing my life . . . and it’s all just energy, energy in the game of life . . . a role I’m playing. Temporary and impermanent. And at the end of the game, all the kings, queens, knights and pawns go back into the same box.

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Okay . . . I’ve known this for a long time. It’s a perfect example of how our growth is not a straight line, but a spiral, coming back again (and again!) to experience deeper truths.
I feel this is the next stage of evolution . . . awareness recognising itself as awareness . . . consciousness recognising itself as consciousness. Divine alchemy is taking place in us all.
New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings. I miss Michael, yes, and probably will up to my very last breath, and that’s okay. It’s all part of the human experience and it’s not in any way morphing into self-pity. 
But now that I’m extending this feeling of emptiness beyond just the missing of his physical presence . . . beyond  connecting it only to my personal loss . . . it’s feeling rather good! I’m experiencing emptiness differently. Very peaceful. Very freeing. Very . . . well . . . empty! Not only empty, but limitless. So I’m sitting with this newness and feeling into it . . . and feeling deep gratitude. I mean, why rock the boat when I’m the only one in it? :) I’m growing . . . we’re ALL growing!
Thanks, again, for listening . . . I truly Love you all with all my heart and am grateful for our connection . . . for our frequency family! Loving and supporting each other takes life to the next level. As Michael would say, ‘To evolve you have to be involved.’ You are me . . . just wearing a different suit of clothes!
Shine on, ever brighter, in Luminous Love and Light.
#love #spirituality #spiritualawakening #consciousness

Okay . . . I’ve known this for a long time. It’s a perfect example of how our growth is not a straight line, but a spiral, coming back again (and again!) to experience deeper truths.
I feel this is the next stage of evolution . . . awareness recognising itself as awareness . . . consciousness recognising itself as consciousness. Divine alchemy is taking place in us all.
New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings. I miss Michael, yes, and probably will up to my very last breath, and that’s okay. It’s all part of the human experience and it’s not in any way morphing into self-pity.
But now that I’m extending this feeling of emptiness beyond just the missing of his physical presence . . . beyond  connecting it only to my personal loss . . . it’s feeling rather good! I’m experiencing emptiness differently. Very peaceful. Very freeing. Very . . . well . . . empty! Not only empty, but limitless. So I’m sitting with this newness and feeling into it . . . and feeling deep gratitude. I mean, why rock the boat when I’m the only one in it? :) I’m growing . . . we’re ALL growing!
Thanks, again, for listening . . . I truly Love you all with all my heart and am grateful for our connection . . . for our frequency family! Loving and supporting each other takes life to the next level. As Michael would say, ‘To evolve you have to be involved.’ You are me . . . just wearing a different suit of clothes!
Shine on, ever brighter, in Luminous Love and Light.
#love #spirituality #spiritualawakening #consciousness

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Often during our travels people would ask us about the Love we shared, saying we were such a beautiful example of what was possible in a relationship. Yet our Love for each other is the same Love we had for them, for the stranger walking down the street, for all humanity, for Nature. There is nothing personal about divine Love. It is the frequency of existence itself. So the only difference was our focus. We were very focussed on each other . . . but the Love is exactly the same. No divisions. It’s not like anyone gets a bigger piece of the pie than another. There are no pieces. One pie. All One. Having the need to think someone Loves anyone more than anyone else is kindergarten stuff when it comes to experiencing absolute, divine Love. And attachment has nothing to do with Love . . . it’s based in fear and dependancy on things not changing . . . it’s based on what we can hold on to, rather than what we can give, expecting nothing in return because we’re already so complete, so full. 

So, for me, this is all good. A gift from Michael. As I let go of what I most cherished, I now turn my focus into my self . . . into the deeper and deeper regions of self. My focus now is on me, not on him. This has nothing to do with selfishness . . . and everything to do with self-is-ness. Things happen for us, not to us, and everything comes under the umbrella of divinity. 

Thanks for being with me . . . I hope I’ve given you something to ponder if, you too, are dealing with letting go of attachments. We’re all growing . . . we’re all learning together. May the path we walk always lead to greater levels of giving and receiving Love! 

Blessing all life evolving on our sweet earth and holding you in my heart with endless Love . . . but no attachment! Carolyn 💜

Often during our travels people would ask us about the Love we shared, saying we were such a beautiful example of what was possible in a relationship. Yet our Love for each other is the same Love we had for them, for the stranger walking down the street, for all humanity, for Nature. There is nothing personal about divine Love. It is the frequency of existence itself. So the only difference was our focus. We were very focussed on each other . . . but the Love is exactly the same. No divisions. It’s not like anyone gets a bigger piece of the pie than another. There are no pieces. One pie. All One. Having the need to think someone Loves anyone more than anyone else is kindergarten stuff when it comes to experiencing absolute, divine Love. And attachment has nothing to do with Love . . . it’s based in fear and dependancy on things not changing . . . it’s based on what we can hold on to, rather than what we can give, expecting nothing in return because we’re already so complete, so full.

So, for me, this is all good. A gift from Michael. As I let go of what I most cherished, I now turn my focus into my self . . . into the deeper and deeper regions of self. My focus now is on me, not on him. This has nothing to do with selfishness . . . and everything to do with self-is-ness. Things happen for us, not to us, and everything comes under the umbrella of divinity.

Thanks for being with me . . . I hope I’ve given you something to ponder if, you too, are dealing with letting go of attachments. We’re all growing . . . we’re all learning together. May the path we walk always lead to greater levels of giving and receiving Love!

Blessing all life evolving on our sweet earth and holding you in my heart with endless Love . . . but no attachment! Carolyn 💜

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Hi Everyone, Carolyn here . . . After starting to feel better again, focussing on living the life that is, rather than the life that was, I’ve done some backsliding. I’ve been feeling flat, very empty and uninspired to do anything at all, so I’m not. I feel like I’ve had an amputation, like a big piece of me is missing. 

I’m over-the-moon grateful that Michael is once again radiant, with joy-filled enthusiasm and passion as he explores his limitless new reality . . . and I’d like to say that that washes away my missing his physical presence, but it does not. Not in the slightest. I miss our deep conversations on life . . . I miss cuddling in bed on these cold winter nights . . . his quick wit and sense of humour. I miss his calm and steady presence . . . and holding his hand. We were extremely close, happily living in each others pockets and very seldom apart. I miss my ordinary life with my extraordinary husband.

Although we knew that attachment impedes growth in consciousness, we both admitted that we were very attached to each other. Very. I ponder how one can have a relationship such as ours and not be attached. Something I’ve yet to learn. As I look back at all the trauma and heartache I’ve experienced in my life, it’s all had its roots in attachment. Every single one. Clearly a core issue of mine. 
Next 👉

Hi Everyone, Carolyn here . . . After starting to feel better again, focussing on living the life that is, rather than the life that was, I’ve done some backsliding. I’ve been feeling flat, very empty and uninspired to do anything at all, so I’m not. I feel like I’ve had an amputation, like a big piece of me is missing.

I’m over-the-moon grateful that Michael is once again radiant, with joy-filled enthusiasm and passion as he explores his limitless new reality . . . and I’d like to say that that washes away my missing his physical presence, but it does not. Not in the slightest. I miss our deep conversations on life . . . I miss cuddling in bed on these cold winter nights . . . his quick wit and sense of humour. I miss his calm and steady presence . . . and holding his hand. We were extremely close, happily living in each others pockets and very seldom apart. I miss my ordinary life with my extraordinary husband.

Although we knew that attachment impedes growth in consciousness, we both admitted that we were very attached to each other. Very. I ponder how one can have a relationship such as ours and not be attached. Something I’ve yet to learn. As I look back at all the trauma and heartache I’ve experienced in my life, it’s all had its roots in attachment. Every single one. Clearly a core issue of mine.
Next 👉

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And since a universal truth is ‘everything changes’, attachment can do nothing but eventually bring heartache. Even as we let go with one hand, we are often grabbing back on with the other. And it’s not just people we get attached to . . . we get attached to beliefs, to ideas, to perceived needs and wants and the way we think things and people should be to hold our stories together. We identify so strongly with our personhood . . . with the material world.

I’m pretty sure many of us are dealing with change . . . with letting go right now. The Light that is currently flooding our planet is activating DNA codes that are flushing out trauma, and often it’s trauma buried deep, that people do not want to consciously deal with. I just heard we’ve had 60+ X-class solar flairs since the beginning of this year. Solar flairs are powerful bursts of electromagnetic radiation, and X-class are the strongest. By comparison, we had no X-class flares in 2018. Because everyone is exposed to this, people are not able to so easily stuff down their issues as they rise to the surface. But we cannot bypass our inner-work. I can’t help but feel I’m not the only one dealing with layers of attachments right now . . . and to be free, we must transcend our emotional attachments and experience divine neutrality. 

Michael had a good analogy for attachment. He said that if you have a dog tied to a table, and you go to the door and call the dog to come, to go for a walk, how far will the dog get? He may drag the table to the door, but he won’t get out the door. Yet, as clearly as we both knew attachment was not for our highest good, we still experienced it with each other. 

And knowing something, without living it, is completely useless.

 Attachment is based in fear . . . fear of loss . . . and wherever we are vulnerable, life will find a way to confront us with it. And for me, letting go of attachments has presented itself over and over again. Each time stronger and stronger. I must be a tough nut to crack! :)

And since a universal truth is ‘everything changes’, attachment can do nothing but eventually bring heartache. Even as we let go with one hand, we are often grabbing back on with the other. And it’s not just people we get attached to . . . we get attached to beliefs, to ideas, to perceived needs and wants and the way we think things and people should be to hold our stories together. We identify so strongly with our personhood . . . with the material world.

I’m pretty sure many of us are dealing with change . . . with letting go right now. The Light that is currently flooding our planet is activating DNA codes that are flushing out trauma, and often it’s trauma buried deep, that people do not want to consciously deal with. I just heard we’ve had 60+ X-class solar flairs since the beginning of this year. Solar flairs are powerful bursts of electromagnetic radiation, and X-class are the strongest. By comparison, we had no X-class flares in 2018. Because everyone is exposed to this, people are not able to so easily stuff down their issues as they rise to the surface. But we cannot bypass our inner-work. I can’t help but feel I’m not the only one dealing with layers of attachments right now . . . and to be free, we must transcend our emotional attachments and experience divine neutrality.

Michael had a good analogy for attachment. He said that if you have a dog tied to a table, and you go to the door and call the dog to come, to go for a walk, how far will the dog get? He may drag the table to the door, but he won’t get out the door. Yet, as clearly as we both knew attachment was not for our highest good, we still experienced it with each other.

And knowing something, without living it, is completely useless.

Attachment is based in fear . . . fear of loss . . . and wherever we are vulnerable, life will find a way to confront us with it. And for me, letting go of attachments has presented itself over and over again. Each time stronger and stronger. I must be a tough nut to crack! :)

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Hi Everyone, Carolyn here. After Manfred's first message from Michael was posted, I got a lot of feedback from people who knew Michael best, saying that they absolutely felt him in the transmission, as did I, or I would not have posted it. I recently received a second message (again in German, put though a translation program) in which Manfred says, "I would like to send you a message here, but it is now a little more difficult to read. Normally I can only translate the text in simple language for the first 6 to 7 days after the transfer, then it usually becomes more complicated as my brain has problems with the visual translation. Nevertheless, many thanks to Michael and my spirit guide for their efforts to provide us with an update.” . . . And many thanks to you Manfred, and your guide, for providing us with another message . . . and of course to Michael, my beloved . . . always the teacher! 
“It is really easy to get into this level of reality here, here in our world. Trust that you can talk to everything - with the moon, with the sun, with the universe, with the earth. You can also talk to all entities. You can talk to anything you want. You can make contact with anything and at any time, remember that.
We are always one. Would you like to see more pictures? That may be true, but your brain will not be able to translate these images quite as I see my reality here.
Dear Manfred, even if you don't quite believe it now, I, Michael, am actually here. A big thank you, of course, to your spirit guide Isagnuel, who maintains and can maintain the connection directly here.
It is very easy for entities from the spiritual world to make contact. For people it is perhaps a little more complicated. I no longer see myself as a human being. I am here in a level of reality where you really have to switch off your mind as you know it as a human being.

Hi Everyone, Carolyn here. After Manfred`s first message from Michael was posted, I got a lot of feedback from people who knew Michael best, saying that they absolutely felt him in the transmission, as did I, or I would not have posted it. I recently received a second message (again in German, put though a translation program) in which Manfred says, "I would like to send you a message here, but it is now a little more difficult to read. Normally I can only translate the text in simple language for the first 6 to 7 days after the transfer, then it usually becomes more complicated as my brain has problems with the visual translation. Nevertheless, many thanks to Michael and my spirit guide for their efforts to provide us with an update.” . . . And many thanks to you Manfred, and your guide, for providing us with another message . . . and of course to Michael, my beloved . . . always the teacher!
“It is really easy to get into this level of reality here, here in our world. Trust that you can talk to everything - with the moon, with the sun, with the universe, with the earth. You can also talk to all entities. You can talk to anything you want. You can make contact with anything and at any time, remember that.
We are always one. Would you like to see more pictures? That may be true, but your brain will not be able to translate these images quite as I see my reality here.
Dear Manfred, even if you don`t quite believe it now, I, Michael, am actually here. A big thank you, of course, to your spirit guide Isagnuel, who maintains and can maintain the connection directly here.
It is very easy for entities from the spiritual world to make contact. For people it is perhaps a little more complicated. I no longer see myself as a human being. I am here in a level of reality where you really have to switch off your mind as you know it as a human being.

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