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Hi Everyone . . . Carolyn here, trusting your new year is off to a good start. As millions of points of Light, we are changing the world through our ever-growing, boundless powers of Love, harmony and creativity! We’ve got this! 

Since the targeted radiation treatments I’m still pain-free with no headaches. I did lose a patch of hair at the base of my skull, at the target site, but a small price to pay. I’m completely off the morphine patches now and am tapering off the steroids. I have no future doctors appointments scheduled (after having up to 5 a week at one point :) . . . they said just call when I need them.

Michael said about a zillion times, ‘There is nothing outside of Self’ and “We each live in our own universe.” Thirty years ago, those statements just did not compute, but for me now, they are spot-on Truth. The experiences life continues to provide me with, ‘good’ or ‘bad’, are really just neutral until I give them meaning. The meaning of life is the meaning of me . . . I give it meaning. I can choose Love or fear as I’m forced to face myself and see what I’m really made of. Like squeezing an orange, when the pressure is on, the juice comes out. 

Lately I’ve been consciously feeling myself, my body and the world around me, more as energy . . . doing my best to feel the flow, the current of the blueprint of the soul I am, already in perfect harmony within the stream of Life for my greatest good and potential.

I nurture myself and support my body with supplements and nutrition, but mindfully, not obsessively. I permeate the water I drink with the Pure Love and healing Light of God, and as I drink feel every cell in my body opening like a golden flower, radiating healing, cleansing, restoration and rejuvenation. I meditate and am in a near constant state of gratitude for all I have. I work with St. Germain’s violet flame and whatever else moves me in the moment . . . and strive to see Life through the eyes of my higher self . . . through the infinite wisdom of the soul I am. (Okay, I’ve got a way to go here, admittedly!!)....


Hi Everyone . . . Carolyn here, trusting your new year is off to a good start. As millions of points of Light, we are changing the world through our ever-growing, boundless powers of Love, harmony and creativity! We’ve got this!

Since the targeted radiation treatments I’m still pain-free with no headaches. I did lose a patch of hair at the base of my skull, at the target site, but a small price to pay. I’m completely off the morphine patches now and am tapering off the steroids. I have no future doctors appointments scheduled (after having up to 5 a week at one point :) . . . they said just call when I need them.

Michael said about a zillion times, ‘There is nothing outside of Self’ and “We each live in our own universe.” Thirty years ago, those statements just did not compute, but for me now, they are spot-on Truth. The experiences life continues to provide me with, ‘good’ or ‘bad’, are really just neutral until I give them meaning. The meaning of life is the meaning of me . . . I give it meaning. I can choose Love or fear as I’m forced to face myself and see what I’m really made of. Like squeezing an orange, when the pressure is on, the juice comes out.

Lately I’ve been consciously feeling myself, my body and the world around me, more as energy . . . doing my best to feel the flow, the current of the blueprint of the soul I am, already in perfect harmony within the stream of Life for my greatest good and potential.

I nurture myself and support my body with supplements and nutrition, but mindfully, not obsessively. I permeate the water I drink with the Pure Love and healing Light of God, and as I drink feel every cell in my body opening like a golden flower, radiating healing, cleansing, restoration and rejuvenation. I meditate and am in a near constant state of gratitude for all I have. I work with St. Germain’s violet flame and whatever else moves me in the moment . . . and strive to see Life through the eyes of my higher self . . . through the infinite wisdom of the soul I am. (Okay, I’ve got a way to go here, admittedly!!)....


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I do whatever I feel will most make my heart sing in that moment . . . be it a bath, sitting with my birds, cleaning out a drawer . . . whatever. No more ‘need to’ or ‘have to’. I’ve never felt this free before! Of course I have been this free all along . . . only the mental narrator said otherwise, and me believing in what I was telling myself. How could I not see this? . . . that I was so distracted by trivia of my own mental design??

Although I look at transition with a sense of wide-eyed anticipation, I realise I’m hard-wired for survival. I think we all are. So I do what I can to support my precious body for as long as it chooses to hang around. 

In my humble opinion, there is but one disease, only one, that covers everything: becoming disconnected from ones own higher self/soul/divinity. So becoming more and more receptive to God, to the divinity within, for me, is the key to, well everything, really . . . through a spiritual state of consciousness . . . through the Christ consciousness within. FEELING God within. Feeling the organic universe and our Oneness with all Life.

So, one day at a time . . . I’ll see what tomorrow brings and keep you posted! All I can do is listen to and trust my heart . . . my navigator! I have no expectations, no agenda, and zero fear of death, so it’s all good . . . Life always gets it right. 

I read a little story the other day, written by a hospice nurse who was with one of her patients, helping her rub some nice cream onto her body. They were talking away when suddenly the woman looked over the nurses shoulder and said, “Oh! . . . I’ve got to go! . . . my husband is here!” . . . and she laid back and left her body. Her husband was already deceased. I said to Michael . . . "Are you reading this, Darling?? It works for me!!”

Shine on, ever brighter . . . I’m hugging you with all my Love . . .

I do whatever I feel will most make my heart sing in that moment . . . be it a bath, sitting with my birds, cleaning out a drawer . . . whatever. No more ‘need to’ or ‘have to’. I’ve never felt this free before! Of course I have been this free all along . . . only the mental narrator said otherwise, and me believing in what I was telling myself. How could I not see this? . . . that I was so distracted by trivia of my own mental design??

Although I look at transition with a sense of wide-eyed anticipation, I realise I’m hard-wired for survival. I think we all are. So I do what I can to support my precious body for as long as it chooses to hang around.

In my humble opinion, there is but one disease, only one, that covers everything: becoming disconnected from ones own higher self/soul/divinity. So becoming more and more receptive to God, to the divinity within, for me, is the key to, well everything, really . . . through a spiritual state of consciousness . . . through the Christ consciousness within. FEELING God within. Feeling the organic universe and our Oneness with all Life.

So, one day at a time . . . I’ll see what tomorrow brings and keep you posted! All I can do is listen to and trust my heart . . . my navigator! I have no expectations, no agenda, and zero fear of death, so it’s all good . . . Life always gets it right.

I read a little story the other day, written by a hospice nurse who was with one of her patients, helping her rub some nice cream onto her body. They were talking away when suddenly the woman looked over the nurses shoulder and said, “Oh! . . . I’ve got to go! . . . my husband is here!” . . . and she laid back and left her body. Her husband was already deceased. I said to Michael . . . "Are you reading this, Darling?? It works for me!!”

Shine on, ever brighter . . . I’m hugging you with all my Love . . .

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Hi Everyone . . . Carolyn here, wishing you all a very Merry Christmas . . . or a most joyous day if you celebrate in other ways. May your hearts be open wide, for it is our hearts which contain the true harvest of wisdom, Love and Truth that lie within us all.

People of every race, age and religion are now looking beyond the physical . . . beyond the personality and labels that say, ‘I am different from you,’ and are embracing their Light within, the spark of God that can only be felt and experienced . . . not known or grasped. We are waking up to our true nature that knows no hatreds or angers . . . no fears or prejudices, because at our core we recognize there is no difference between any of us. Under the layers of beliefs and programming we are all exactly the same. At our core we are One with each other. One with the drunk in the gutter, one with the millionaire, one with the peacemakers and warmongers, and One with God. 

I wish you and those you Love a magnificent Christmas and New Year, sparkling with wisdom, conscious growth, clarity, meaningful experiences, harmony . . . and magic and miracles! Thank you for being in my life! I Love you all very much!

Shine on, ever brighter . . . 
In Luminous Love and Light,

Hi Everyone . . . Carolyn here, wishing you all a very Merry Christmas . . . or a most joyous day if you celebrate in other ways. May your hearts be open wide, for it is our hearts which contain the true harvest of wisdom, Love and Truth that lie within us all.

People of every race, age and religion are now looking beyond the physical . . . beyond the personality and labels that say, ‘I am different from you,’ and are embracing their Light within, the spark of God that can only be felt and experienced . . . not known or grasped. We are waking up to our true nature that knows no hatreds or angers . . . no fears or prejudices, because at our core we recognize there is no difference between any of us. Under the layers of beliefs and programming we are all exactly the same. At our core we are One with each other. One with the drunk in the gutter, one with the millionaire, one with the peacemakers and warmongers, and One with God.

I wish you and those you Love a magnificent Christmas and New Year, sparkling with wisdom, conscious growth, clarity, meaningful experiences, harmony . . . and magic and miracles! Thank you for being in my life! I Love you all very much!

Shine on, ever brighter . . .
In Luminous Love and Light,

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Hi Everyone . . . Carolyn here. This is the first time I’ve been on my computer in well over 3 weeks. There has been a lot going on with me, health wise, as some of you know. 

After several weeks of ongoing headaches I much more recently developed numbness on the right side of my tongue. This got my attention, as well as that of Tracey and Katrina’s, who kidnapped me and took me straight to the hospital. I didn’t argue. 

After 2 CAT scans I was transferred to a larger hospital the following morning for 8 days of multiple tests, scans and a biopsy, and have been diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer that has spread to my bones and liver, and is the culprit for the headaches and partial tongue numbness from a nerve cluster.


Hi Everyone . . . Carolyn here. This is the first time I’ve been on my computer in well over 3 weeks. There has been a lot going on with me, health wise, as some of you know.

After several weeks of ongoing headaches I much more recently developed numbness on the right side of my tongue. This got my attention, as well as that of Tracey and Katrina’s, who kidnapped me and took me straight to the hospital. I didn’t argue.

After 2 CAT scans I was transferred to a larger hospital the following morning for 8 days of multiple tests, scans and a biopsy, and have been diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer that has spread to my bones and liver, and is the culprit for the headaches and partial tongue numbness from a nerve cluster.

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The cancer is untreatable, they said, but there are two different treatments that may help with the headaches . . . so I’m grateful there may be some course of action to stem the pain, which would really upgrade my quality of life. 

In the meantime I’m taking very good care of my body with fresh juices, supplements, super food powder, bi-carb to keep my body alkaline, ivermectin, cannibus oil and THC. For however long my precious body has left, I’m taking excellent care of it. I’ve always been a great nurturer of others, but not so much for myself. Now is my time. 

The last couple days in the hospital I was taking oxycodone every 4 hours, rather than ‘as needed’ to keep on top of the pain, but then when I got home I had a strong allergic reaction to it as it built up in my system. After trying a couple other things, I now have a morphine time released skin patch that lasts 7 days and I supplement that with cannibus oil when needed, which seems to work pretty well at keeping the headaches at a minimum. I’ve reached a good point to maintain. I do feel a bit fuzzy, I must admit! :) Today the pain is as minimal as its been and I haven’t had any THC oil since last night . . . so pain-wise, this is the best day I’ve had in weeks and weeks. My gratitude is off the charts!

And my tongue has improved, as well, my speech is clearer and it’s easier to eat . . . and my appetite is good, as well.


The cancer is untreatable, they said, but there are two different treatments that may help with the headaches . . . so I’m grateful there may be some course of action to stem the pain, which would really upgrade my quality of life.

In the meantime I’m taking very good care of my body with fresh juices, supplements, super food powder, bi-carb to keep my body alkaline, ivermectin, cannibus oil and THC. For however long my precious body has left, I’m taking excellent care of it. I’ve always been a great nurturer of others, but not so much for myself. Now is my time.

The last couple days in the hospital I was taking oxycodone every 4 hours, rather than ‘as needed’ to keep on top of the pain, but then when I got home I had a strong allergic reaction to it as it built up in my system. After trying a couple other things, I now have a morphine time released skin patch that lasts 7 days and I supplement that with cannibus oil when needed, which seems to work pretty well at keeping the headaches at a minimum. I’ve reached a good point to maintain. I do feel a bit fuzzy, I must admit! :) Today the pain is as minimal as its been and I haven’t had any THC oil since last night . . . so pain-wise, this is the best day I’ve had in weeks and weeks. My gratitude is off the charts!

And my tongue has improved, as well, my speech is clearer and it’s easier to eat . . . and my appetite is good, as well.

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Jonathan, my son from America is here with Tracey and is helping in many ways. We Skype weekly, but it’s the first I’ve seen him in 5 years, since the lockdowns. I’ve had my first really good belly laughs in I can’t remember how very many months. He always makes me laugh . . . good medicine. Tracey has been amazing, as well, and Katrina, my daughter-in-law. They came to the hospital every day and have been with me through all the doctors appointments. And so much support from many others, as well. My prayer now is gratitude for all I have. I’m just so very grateful.

So . . . that’s pretty much all there is. It appears that pain management is much the course of action now. One day at a time. I’m sleeping a lot . . . I don’t think I realised how completely exhausted I’ve been for the last many months. I’m sleeping as much as I can now. I’m doing exactly what I want, when I want and the way I want it. It’s all about me these days. :)

This is all remarkably freeing . . . things I would ponder on how to move forward in my new life-minus-Michael are all completely meaningless now . . . none of it matters. So I continue to ‘let go’ . . . something I’ve had a lot of practice doing lately . . . and just experiencing what I’m feeling without any dialogue or mental noise around it. I have not once asked, ‘Why did you create this??’ and have no intention of putting my energy into that thought process. I am not my thoughts. All will be revealed in perfect timing. For me to hammer myself with another major shock so quickly on the heals of the last one, would suggest I have potentially something fairly significant to learn and grow from. I created this for a reason, or it wouldn’t be happening. A new adventure, a new leap in consciousness . . . a new horizon . . . we’ll see what tomorrow brings.


Jonathan, my son from America is here with Tracey and is helping in many ways. We Skype weekly, but it’s the first I’ve seen him in 5 years, since the lockdowns. I’ve had my first really good belly laughs in I can’t remember how very many months. He always makes me laugh . . . good medicine. Tracey has been amazing, as well, and Katrina, my daughter-in-law. They came to the hospital every day and have been with me through all the doctors appointments. And so much support from many others, as well. My prayer now is gratitude for all I have. I’m just so very grateful.

So . . . that’s pretty much all there is. It appears that pain management is much the course of action now. One day at a time. I’m sleeping a lot . . . I don’t think I realised how completely exhausted I’ve been for the last many months. I’m sleeping as much as I can now. I’m doing exactly what I want, when I want and the way I want it. It’s all about me these days. :)

This is all remarkably freeing . . . things I would ponder on how to move forward in my new life-minus-Michael are all completely meaningless now . . . none of it matters. So I continue to ‘let go’ . . . something I’ve had a lot of practice doing lately . . . and just experiencing what I’m feeling without any dialogue or mental noise around it. I have not once asked, ‘Why did you create this??’ and have no intention of putting my energy into that thought process. I am not my thoughts. All will be revealed in perfect timing. For me to hammer myself with another major shock so quickly on the heals of the last one, would suggest I have potentially something fairly significant to learn and grow from. I created this for a reason, or it wouldn’t be happening. A new adventure, a new leap in consciousness . . . a new horizon . . . we’ll see what tomorrow brings.

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