Hi Everyone . . . Carolyn here, trusting your new year is off to a good start. As millions of points of Light, we are changing the world through our ever-growing, boundless powers of Love, harmony and creativity! We’ve got this!
Since the targeted radiation treatments I’m still pain-free with no headaches. I did lose a patch of hair at the base of my skull, at the target site, but a small price to pay. I’m completely off the morphine patches now and am tapering off the steroids. I have no future doctors appointments scheduled (after having up to 5 a week at one point :) . . . they said just call when I need them.
Michael said about a zillion times, ‘There is nothing outside of Self’ and “We each live in our own universe.” Thirty years ago, those statements just did not compute, but for me now, they are spot-on Truth. The experiences life continues to provide me with, ‘good’ or ‘bad’, are really just neutral until I give them meaning. The meaning of life is the meaning of me . . . I give it meaning. I can choose Love or fear as I’m forced to face myself and see what I’m really made of. Like squeezing an orange, when the pressure is on, the juice comes out.
Lately I’ve been consciously feeling myself, my body and the world around me, more as energy . . . doing my best to feel the flow, the current of the blueprint of the soul I am, already in perfect harmony within the stream of Life for my greatest good and potential.
I nurture myself and support my body with supplements and nutrition, but mindfully, not obsessively. I permeate the water I drink with the Pure Love and healing Light of God, and as I drink feel every cell in my body opening like a golden flower, radiating healing, cleansing, restoration and rejuvenation. I meditate and am in a near constant state of gratitude for all I have. I work with St. Germain’s violet flame and whatever else moves me in the moment . . . and strive to see Life through the eyes of my higher self . . . through the infinite wisdom of the soul I am. (Okay, I’ve got a way to go here, admittedly!!)....